Buying decisions in a perfume company



Purchase decisions; Consumption; Motivation; Influences; Consumer


The study aims to identify the main factors that influence Mister Parfum customer purchasing decisions. To achieve the objective, the research method used was qualitative, through the application of questionnaires with open questions and applied to clients as observation. Among the main results, the study reveals the main factors that motivate the consumption of perfumes and cosmetics: vanity, beauty and well-being, as these products are capable of transmitting sensations such as self-confidence, sensuality and elegance, besides identifying an identity of their users. It was also possible to identify which company of choice is always one that offers products with the necessary requirements for the consumption requirements, which includes a product quality (which in the case of perfume is associated with fragrance and suspension), a good brand credibility, customer service, product mix and the best price, being the last classified as the most influential aspect in the purchase decision. Finally, the study concludes that while the hygiene, perfume and cosmetics industry is most promising, perfumery and cosmetics are not included among the drinks consumed.


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How to Cite

Santana, C. M. ., & Brito, M. L. de A. . (2020). Buying decisions in a perfume company . E-Acadêmica, 1(1), e4. Retrieved from


